Basic concepts

Website Administration — authorized employees to manage the Website acting on behalf of Individual Entrepreneur Basharatyan V.
Personal data processing is any action or set of actions with personal data performed using automation tools or without their use, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
Personal data is any information related directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable User. Such information, in particular, can include:
● Information about your computer, including your IP address, geographic location, browser type, version, and operating system;
● Information about your visits and use of our Website, including the referral source, the duration of the visit, page views and navigation paths on the Website;
● Your email address, name, phone number, address that you enter when placing an order on the Website;
● information that is generated when using the Website, including when, how often and under what circumstances you use it;
● Information related to the services you use or transactions you make through the Website, which includes your name, address, phone number, email address and credit card details;
● Any other personal information that you send to us.

Website User — a person who has access to the Website via the Internet and uses the Website .
Dissemination of personal data — actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite circle of persons.
A website is an information system created on the basis of a web server of a communication node identified by a domain name designed for posting information on the Internet, means of its visual design and interaction with users through web clients.
Consent to the processing of personal data is the permission of the Website User, which he gives to the interested party to receive, collect, store and use personal information about himself.
Personal data subjects are a person who is directly or indirectly identified or determined using personal data.
Individual entrepreneur Basharatyan V (hereinafter – Basharatyan V) is registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (OGRN 316774600478993), the website belongs to Basharatyan V. General provisions
The terms of use specified in this Basharatyan V User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) apply to the use of the Website.
Registration is not required to use the Website.


Acceptance of the Terms of Use

By using the Website, it is considered that you have taken note of and agree to the following terms of use. Please read the terms of use carefully before using the Website. As a User of the Website, you must accept these terms in all respects and act as a responsible and conscientious Internet user. If you do not agree to one or more of the terms of use set out in this agreement, you may not use the Website.
Information about the Website Basharatyan V makes every effort to regularly update and/or supplement the content of the Website. Basharatyan V may temporarily or permanently disable the Website or part of it at any time without any notification. Basharatyan V is not responsible for the consequences of any adjustments and/or (temporary) termination of the Website.
The information available on the Website is used exclusively for commercial purposes.
Other use of the specified information is not allowed.


Services and conditions

Basharatyan V offers the User to use the Basharatyan V service, available at on the terms set forth in this Agreement. The service provides the User with the opportunity to purchase clothes, shoes, accessories, gift certificates, as well as fitting and delivery.


User Data

In order to use the service on the Website, the User must place an order.
When placing an order, the User undertakes to provide reliable and complete information about himself on the issues proposed in the order form. If the User provides incorrect information or Basharatyan V has reason to believe that the information provided by the User is incomplete or unreliable, Basharatyan V has the right, at its discretion, to refuse the User to use the Website (or its individual functions).
Basharatyan V reserves the right at any time to require the User to confirm the data specified when placing an order and, in this regard, to request supporting documents (in particular, identity documents), the failure to provide which, at the discretion of Basharatyan V, may be equated to providing false information. If the User’s data specified in the documents provided by him does not correspond to the data specified when placing an order, as well as in the case when the data specified when placing an order does not allow identifying the user, Basharatyan V has the right to refuse the User to use the services of the Website.
The User is obliged to immediately notify Basharatyan V of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the services of the Website using User data.
The User’s use of the Website services is subject to the following conditions:
The User does not have the right to reproduce, repeat and copy, sell and resell, as well as use for any commercial purposes any parts of the Website services (including content accessible to the User through the services), or access to them, except in those cases when the User received such permission from Basharatyan V.
The user creates an account on the site using his mobile phone number. In the future, you can replace this number with another one in your personal account if this number is not used by another account.
It is forbidden to use two different numbers at the same time to enter the account. If a user creates two different accounts for different phone numbers, they cannot be combined. These are two accounts and each record has its own history of orders, charges and debits.


Data protection

Basharatyan V uses the personal data provided by the User (name, username, email address, phone number, address, and others) as follows (for more information, see the Privacy Policy located on the Website).
When placing an order on the Website, the User agrees to the Basharatyan V newsletter. The user can unsubscribe from the specified newsletter at any time by clicking a special link in the information letter from Basharatyan V.
Basharatyan V sets cookies to provide its services and transfer information. Users can prohibit the installation of cookies with a certain parameter in their browser, however, Basharatyan V notes that this will not allow the User to fully access all the functions of the Website.
Basharatyan V uses GoogleAnalytics, a web analytics service of GoogleInc. (hereinafter referred to as “Google”) to improve and optimize the Internet presence of the Website. GoogleAnalytics uses cookies, that is, text files that are stored on the User’s device and that allow you to analyze the User’s visits to the Website. The information about the use of the Website generated by the cookie, including the IP address of each User, is transmitted to a server used by Google in the USA and stored there. Google processes this information in order to evaluate the use of the Website, create reports on Website activity for Basharatyan V and provide other services related to the use of the Website and the Internet. Google may also share this information with third parties if required by law or if third parties use this data in the Google service (provision to service providers). Under no circumstances will Google associate any IP addresses with other Google data. By visiting the Website, the User declares his consent to the use by Google of the data recorded about the User in the above-mentioned manner and for the above-mentioned purpose. GoogleAnalytics can be disabled by setting the browser setting available for download at .
Basharatyan V uses network plugins on the Website. These Facebook plugins are operated by FacebookInc., 1601 S. CaliforniaAve, PaloAlto, CA 94303, USA (hereinafter referred to as “Facebook”) and can be identified on the Facebook logo. If Facebook does not agree to Facebook collecting information about them through the Website, the User must log out of Facebook before visiting the Website. Facebook logout function must be used by the User to do this and clear the cache in the browser, because it is not enough to simply log out of the Facebook website.
Basharatyan V uses/can use Yandex network plugins, , , as well as other sites and networks on the Website. These plugins are managed by the respective companies, information about which can be found on the specified sites. If the User does not agree that these plugins collect information about them through the Website, he must log out of the applications, sites, accounts of the above networks before visiting the Website. To do this, the User must use the logout function on the appropriate network and clear the cache in the browser, because It is not enough to simply log out of the network’s website.
Despite the fact that Basharatyan V stores the provided user data with the utmost care, Basharatyan V does not bear any responsibility for attacks committed by intruders.


Intellectual property rights

The intellectual property rights to the Website (its elements) belong exclusively to Basharatyan V., or are licensed by Basharatyan V. Nothing from the Website may be duplicated or disclosed without the prior written consent of Basharatyan V., except as provided by law.


Copyright and links

Potential links to third-party websites and sources (hyperlinks) are provided solely for the convenience of the User and do not imply that Basharatyan V approves or supports related sites and sources. Basharatyan V does not guarantee the availability of these websites. Since these sources are updated by third parties, Basharatyan V is not responsible for the correctness or any other aspect of the information, and Basharatyan V is not responsible for its contents.
The Website design, editorials and photographs published on the Website are protected by copyright laws.
Copying, publishing or otherwise using the copyrighted content of the Website requires the prior written permission of Basharatyan V.


Terms of Use and Liability

When using the Website, the User does not have the right to:
● violate the rights of third parties, including minors, and/or harm them in any form;
● impersonate another person or a representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient rights, including employees of Basharatyan V, moderators of forums, the owner of the Website, as well as use any other forms and methods of illegal representation of other persons on the network, as well as mislead Basharatyan V about properties and characteristics of any subjects or objects;
● disrupt the normal operation of the Website;
● Facilitate actions aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by the Agreement;
● otherwise violate the norms of legislation, including the norms of international law.

Any use of the information on the Website is carried out by the Users at their own risk. Basharatyan V is not responsible for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of information on the Website or the potential inability to consult on the Website (part of it) Basharatyan V.
Basharatyan V. is not responsible for damages related to the use of electronic means to communicate with the Website, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from failure or delay in the delivery of electronic messages, interception or processing of electronic messages by third parties or software/equipment used for electronic communication, and transmission of viruses. The User undertakes to reimburse Basharatyan V for all losses incurred as a result of claims by third parties regarding his violation or non-compliance with these terms of use, as well as for claims that are otherwise related to his use of the Website.
Under any circumstances, Basharatyan V’s liability is limited to 3,000 (three thousand) rubles and is imposed on him if there is guilt in his actions.



In case of doubt about the correctness of the specified data or the presence of inaccuracies, Basharatyan V asks you to inform us immediately by sending an e-mail to


Applicable law and jurisdiction

Complaints are submitted in writing and to the address Moscow, Vorobyovskoe shosse, 4 building 1, previously sent in a reliable way. To resolve any dispute concerning interpretation or its own jurisdiction, rely on the jurisdiction of the courts of the Russian Federation. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Russian Federation. In case of disagreement regarding the interpretation of this document, the current version of this User Agreement shall prevail.


Final provisions

By using the Website, the User agrees to these terms of use and the privacy policy without any restrictions.
Basharatyan V is not responsible in case of errors when entering or transmitting data by the User. Similarly, Basharatyan V is not responsible in case of unpredictable system failures and other failures as a result of external attacks or other causes that are beyond the competence of Basharatyan V.
The invalidity of any individual terms of this Agreement does not affect the validity of its other terms and the Agreement as a whole.
Basharatyan V reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to amend this Agreement at any time without any special notice. The new version of this User Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Website.



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